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Small stores in a sentence

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Sentence count:12Posted:2024-06-24Updated:2024-06-24
Similar words: small stuffcock-and-bull storyretail storeoptical storegeneral storestoresrestorerestorerMeaning: n. personal items conforming to regulations that are sold aboard ship or at a naval base and charged to the person's pay. 
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1. I know that the Minister likes small stores, because she referred to them. in her speech on 14 October.
2. Small stores and delicatessens specialise in cheese.
3. Some very small stores like neighborhood grocery shops don't use scanners, and are too small to be NPD clients.
4. The small stores were ~ d into one large supermarket.
5. Jovana is 16 and works under-the-table, buying bread wholesale and selling it back to small stores.
5. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
6. It heats a laborers' hostel, 18 apartment buildings, four city-owned businesses and a handful of small stores.
7. Dan Conrad, the proprietor of Conrad's Bookstore, says that small stores such as his offer service and convenience.
8. Next day, Wang Min and two colleagues decided that looks for several small stores to makeinquiries.
9. Rumei: Yunbo likes to shop in department stores, but I like to shop in small stores.
10. Most do not like a hundred in storage, not expensive things fresh, and small stores.
11. At one time most women made their own clothes, buying the cloth in small stores.
12. A patch antenna is a wafer-like directional antenna suitable for covering single-floor small offices, small stores and other indoor locations where access points cannot be placed centrally.
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